luni, 29 noiembrie 2010

Yellow socks!

Stiu ca ar trebui sa mai scriu ceva...dar nu prea mai am subiecte de discutie si nici timp, dar va las sa va uitati la ceva totusi! Have fun!

sâmbătă, 27 noiembrie 2010

3 for Metal [part VIII]

Lamb Of God - Pariah

Heaven Shall Burn - No One Will Shed A Tear

Meshuggah - Bleed

Up there are some serious hardcore and death metal, just make sure you still have your head on your neck after listening! Rock on!

vineri, 19 noiembrie 2010

Drugs, Guns & Blood

In cele ce urmeaza veti citi un jurnal. Asta am avut ca tema la facultate la cursul practic de "Scriere Creativa/Creatoare". Chiar mi-a placut sa scriu tema asta. Enjoy!


Ralph Connor Jr., son of the chief of Police in New Orleans, Louisiana, Ralph Wallace Connor. He previously was a CIA agent, now retired to be closer to his family, which includes his wife, Stefanie Connor, a 18 year old girl named Gabrielle, and of course me…a 24 year old bastard, named after my father. I’ve never been the favorite son, actually I have done a lot of bad things in my life, starting from high school, when my grades dropped dramatically, I started smoking and drinking and fighting with other guys, I was in prison also, but my dad bailed me out.
This is my journal, or at least my first attempt at keeping a journal, because I am now in a lot of trouble, and to avoid anything worse, I am keeping track of all the things I am doing and what people around me do as well.

21st of September 2010

I was sent by my father to check if my sister was home, in order to bring her down, where dinner was being served. Now, I cannot say that I’ve been in my sister’s room too many times before, but this time when I knocked on the door and received no answer I decided that it’s ok if I enter. Gabrielle wasn’t home, but something seemed very strange about her room. I do not know quite sure what was it but…I had a strange feeling about it so I started looking everywhere for that thing that was bothering me. The small room contained as usual the old wood desk on the left side of the wall, with some books and the computer on it, some disorganized papers and some cd-s on top of them. The computer was working…so , with no dignity at all, I searched through the last internet pages that she had visited.
Other than “facebook” and some other fashion web pages, I found something about the effects of drugs. Well, I thought she had some kind of essay to prepare for her school, so I ignored it. On the other side, where the sun sends its warmth through the window, was the bed, with nothing but a red pillow on it and some funny-looking toys. Behind the door was her wardrobe with all her clothes and with some Eminem and 50 Cent posters applied on it. I honestly didn’t know that she listened to Eminem and 50 Cent. I thought she was into house music! Well, at her age, tastes can change very fast, after all.
The last thing to check were those toys of hers on the left side of the bed, teddy-bears, kittens, dolphins, elephants and other stuffed animals were there arranged like a group of people ready to go on holiday…But that wasn’t the strange part. On the teddy-bear there was a little drop of blood, on the left foot. By curiosity I picked up the stuffed-animal from the floor and what I found under it, made my body tremble. A syringe. Normally Gabrielle detests needles. So, I figured she might be taking drugs…
When I got back to my father’s place, I just told him: she’s not home.

23rd of September 2010

I’m getting really worried about my sister. To be honest, I never cared about her too much, but now I’m seriously concerned. If she’s on drugs, the Connor’s name will be soiled once again. At first because of me, and now Gabrielle. I didn’t tell anything to our parents. I was hoping nothing serious happened. But to be sure, I needed to find out what was going on! So, I figured it will be fine, after she leaves the house to school, I’ll follow her.
Just as Gabrielle left our house, I proceeded on following her, trying to slip by unnoticed. As she smoothly walked right by the school, I immediately started shaking and praying to God, that she wouldn’t be going to some drug dealer. After she passed by the school, she made a 180 degree turn to the left, and entered a small neighbourhood with old buildings, and stopped in front of the third building. She got close to the rusty iron door, and typed the number of the room, and then talked through the interphone: “Hey, it’s me, Gabrielle!” And right in the next second the rusty iron door opened, as Gabrielle walked in with arrogance. Instead of being at school, she was in a stranger’s room, who was probably selling her drugs…
I suddenly felt like being hit on the back of my head, and I had a deep feeling of regret for my sister. I now knew what my father meant back when he was telling me that he’s disappointed of me! I was feeling so insignificant. I was regretting the fact that I couldn’t manage to be a role-model for my little sister. I was feeling like everything happened because of me.Back then I was on the edge of a breakdown and kept wondering: God, what should I do?

24th of September 2010

I did some research on all of the drug bands in New Orleans and in the entire state of Louisiana. The majority of these bands had been extinguished, because all of their members were imprisoned. But there were still some bands like “The Eastasy” and “Pot Of Gold” as they called themselves, that both had their own leaders, and they were both from New Orleans, but never been caught because, incredibly, they had always been found clean. The head of the band “The Eastasy” was Royce Danielson, also known as Grimmjaw, dealing only with ecstasy. And the other head of the band “Pot Of Gold” was Terry Kent, also known as Goldfish, this one, on the other hand dealing with any kind of drugs.
This research narrowed down my number of drug-dealers to find, to two or three, including the right hand of Grimmjaw, Rob Carson, known as Ripps.

27th of September 2010

Three days have passed, with no proper sleep. I was determined to do something to save my sister. I had a plan, which didn’t involve my sister or our parents. It only involved me dealing with these bastards.
So, while we were home, I kindly asked Gabrielle to lend me her cell phone, to make a phone call.
-Why should I do that?
-Because it is very important, and I have no credit on my cell phone. I promise I’ll return the favor.
-Ok, ok…if you insist! Here!
-Good, thank you!
With ability I quickly glanced through her contacts and bingo…The only suspicious number in there, was Mr. Rob C. That automatically led me to Ripps. I quickly wrote down his number without my sister noticing and then I returned the cell phone to her!
-You didn’t make any phone calls…
-Changed my mind!
-You’re so weird!
I made the call outside, gave out my true identity, and told Ripps that I’m Gabrielle’s brother, and I wanted to join their group, because I found it profitable. He replied telling me that he needs to call his boss first. After a few minutes he calls me back and tells me to come to an address, tomorrow morning and the fact that his boss, Grimmjaw, will be present as well.
Now, I was finally ready to find out who these drug dealers really were, and call the police for the eventual apprehension.

28th of September 2010

It’s morning. I stole a pistol from my dad and I’m heading towards the given address, full of confidence. I was already thinking that I’ll probably get hired as a policeman, like my dad.
I arrived at the same building as my sister did, five days ago. I entered with their approval.
The next thing I saw, was that I was sitting face to face with the boss Grimmjaw (Royce Danielson) and his right hand Ripps(Rob Carson). They seemed pleased to see me and have me join their “business”, but I had to give them my full cooperation and trust. I never thought it would be so easy to enter such a organisation. But, for me, this was just an act. As soon as Grimmjaw turned around to get me a contract to sign…I took my pistol from my back with a swift move, and with no hesitation I shot Ripps right in the head, and then, in the next second, Grimmjaw turned around with a gun in his right hand, but I managed to shoot him in his left leg, so he fell ,thus dropping the gun.
-You know what, Grimmjaw? It’s about time, you’re going down. You dragged my little sister into this…So, you will not remain unpunished! This is for Gabrielle!
-No wait…We can…
But right before finishing the sentence, I shot him in his right leg as well while screaming in excruciating pain, with his blood dripping heavily. Then, satisfied with what I did…I continued with arrogance and a sadistic smile…
-Say goodbye…Grimmjaw!
And then the third bullet penetrates his chest, reaching his heart. Both Grimmjaw and Ripps were now dead, two of the most wanted drug dealers in Louisiana. I felt like I had just saved my sister. But this could no longer be kept a secret…And if it can’t be kept secret, I had to pay the price for my deed and go to prison,this time for a long time... I would rather die than go back behind bars!I said to myself…

Epilogue – 30th of September 2010

In a neighbourhood in New Orleans where two drug-dealers lived, a shocking murder was revealed to the public. Royce Danielson and Rob Carson or Grimmjaw and Ripps were found dead in their apartment, as well as Ralph Connor Jr., the son of an ex-CIA member, now the chief of police in New Orleans.
On the table a note was found from Ralph addressed to his family: “Dad, Mom, Gabrielle. I’m sorry. If you know about the existence of this note, then I’m probably dead, as well as those two drug dealers that dragged your daughter into this mess. I found it right for me to punish them,thus saving my sister and avoiding them to soil the Connor’s name once again. I felt like It was my duty to protect her. I had to. I’m sorry for stealing the pistol, I’m sorry for doing such a thing, I’m sorry I never respected you at all…I’m sorry. Ralph.”

sâmbătă, 13 noiembrie 2010

"Blestemul din Cherrywood", [part V - final part]

Partea a IV-a -> "Blestemul din Cherrywood", [part IV]

Capitolul 9 - Umbra fara suflet

Sunt satul de aceasta stare pe care o am. O zi intreaga am simtit diferite stari sufletesti, ce m-au epuizat fizic, dar si psihic. E noapte, ar trebui sa trag un pui de somn, alaturi de Samantha, dar ochii nu mi se inchid sub nicio forma...Sunt prea presat de tot ce s-a intamplat. Efecte post-traumatice? Gandesc prea mult, intotdeauna gandesc prea mult...urasc asta. Sunt o fire extrem de lucida, tot timpul gandind inainte de a face ceva, si intotdeauna gandind prea mult dupa ce am facut acel ceva.
E intuneric. Stau in pat, pe jumatate invelit, langa sotia mea. Incerc sa-mi dau seama daca ea doarme. Apoi, ma dezvelesc usor, fara zgomot si ma ridic. Ies din camera, si ma duc pe balcon, sprijinindu-ma cu spatele de perete. Ridic privirea-mi goala spre cerul senin si impanzit de stele. In partea sud-estica vad o semiluna si un luceafar de o frumusete rara, ce-mi lumineaza chipul.
Obisnuiesc sa mai privesc cerul, dar acum, il privesc indurerat, cu speranta iluzorie ca totul se va rezolva de la sine, ca e doar un vis sau...doar ceva trecator. Am ajuns sa cred ca toata viata mea s-a dus, a trecut, iar eu am trait doar in iluzii si minciuni, ca tot ceea ce am facut pana acum, a fost in zadar iar eu am trait doar ca sa fac umbra pamantului...Numai am am nimic. Absolut nimic.
Oftez adanc, coborandu-mi privirea catre pamant. Apoi, aproape cu lacrimi in ochi, ridic din nou privirea si vad o stea cazatoare... Atat de frumos...Am inceput sa savurez pana si cele mai minuscule detalii din viata umana...O adiere usoara, dar rece, imi reaminteste ca trebuie sa iau o decizie importanta. Ce urmeaza sa fac? Samantha si Bryan nu vor putea trai cu un sot si tata fantoma. Trebuie sa plec. Ma duc inapoi in hol, scotocesc intr-un sertar al bibliotecii si gasesc un creion si o bucata de hartie...Las un bilet pentru Samantha...
Incerc sa ma abtin sa nu plang, ma imbrac in haine ocazionale, si ma hotarasc sa plec...Ies din casa, mai arunc o ultima privire ferestrelor si casei in ansamblu, si pornesc la drum, drum necunoscut, care nu stiu unde ma va duce. Sunt ca un lup singuratic ce a plecat in cautarea prazii prin pustia padure siberiana. Sunt doar o umbra, o umbra fara suflet, ce hoinareste neincetat pe strazi pustii, fara tinta...Sunt o umbra...